Monday, December 5, 2016

Finding motivation or lack there of

I've noticed as of lately, that I'm lacking motivation.... Haha. Who am I kidding? I'm always lacking motivation. It doesn't seem to matter if it's for work, or around the house, or personal gain, it's sooooo hard to get myself going. Now, once I actually get up and get going, I feel so much better and the task is never really all that difficult. So, I find myself in this infinite loop of trying to get the motivation to just get my shit together. I know I can't be the only one!

But hey, props to me... I got up today and was totally lazy for 2ish hours and then looked around and said, "Geeze, this place is trashed." Now, I realized I only had like 30 minutes before I needed to leave to take my mild/moderate certification test. (Hey, go me... motivated to get my butt out of the gen ed classroom!) Anyway... I busted ass and totally made it happen. The place was spotless. Like I said, once I get going the task is never that hard.

But, my day hasn't been the least bit productive after that. I got home, hung out with the SO, watched T.V. and that's pretty much been it. I'm hoping that maybe procrastinating enough by making this will get me off my butt. I'm gonna pump up some jams and do some serious organizing in the bedrooms and storage areas. They need it for sure!

Signing off!

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